Episode 5

Published on:

9th Jun 2024

Beast Thinking: How Top Athletes Use Cognitive Training to Dominate the Field

Tuck Taylor is the CEO and head mental performance coach for Neuro Beast, a training facility and program. His work attracts NBA, MLB, and NFL athletes and is designed to improve sport specific cognitive functions like attention, reaction time, memory, inhibition, and cognitive flexibility as well as combat the negative effects of mental fatigue and improve skill acquisition.

Neuro Beast brought together a research team of performance specialists, sports psychologists, optometrists, neuroscientists, and more to develop their elite programming that allows all the time athletes spend in the gym and practicing to show up on game day.

They utilize a variety of cognitive equipment like Fitlight, Blaze Pods, SwitchedOn , Vector Ball, Senaptec, Virtual Reality, Muse2, Mind Monitor, Heco Stix, and more which are shown in this episode.

He has a background playing college basketball, coaching basketball, and moved into strength and conditioning before integrating mental performance into his coaching programs.

Tuck is a public speaker, co-authored a book called Beast Thinking, and runs his own Neuro Beast Podcast.

To learn more about Tuck Taylor and his work, check out:





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About the Podcast

Evolving Potential
The Evolving Potential Podcast is for people who are hungry for growth, striving for excellence, and committed to reaching their highest potential. Each week we will interview an expert, professional athlete, renowned coach, entrepreneur, or thought leader to discuss human potential. Guests are or are working with high performers and are able to share their habits, practices, and mindset for personal development and performance enhancement.

The host, Todd Smith, is a former fat kid turned personal trainer, nutrition coach, and bodybuilder who has spent years diving deep into the world of behavior change and peak performance. He has obtained certifications in NLP, hypnosis, timeline therapy, precision nutrition, NASM, mental performance mastery, and training for warriors. In addition, Todd has obtained a bachelor's in sports and performance psychology and is currently working towards a master's degree in sociology and education.

This podcast serves as a platform to share ideas about what it means to be human, how we can live our best lives, how to perform under pressure, how to relieve stress, change identity, chase our dreams, overcome adversity, develop resilience, and much much more.

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Todd Smith